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Password:  (4-20 characters)
Confirm Password: 

Contact Information

First Name: 
Last Name: 
If outside of US and Canada
Zip/Postal Code: 
Phone Number: 
Fax Number: 

Referral Information

I am referred by: 
  If you are referred by your friend, type his/her referral ID or email address. Otherwise, leave it blank.
X-Contacts is a replacement contact lens company. We can only sell lenses you are currently wearing and prescribed by your eyecare professional. You must have a valid contact lens Rx and be currently wearing the lenses before ordering. We assume that no eyecare professional has ever advised you that you are not suitable to wear contact lenses, or that you should stop wearing the prescribed contact lenses. We also assume that customers have not suffered from any eye condition requiring treatment within the last 12 months. Have regular eye examinations and always follow your eye care professional’s instructions for the proper use and care of your contact lenses. If you have any eye discomfort, watering, redness, or vision change, remove your contact lenses immediately and consult your eyecare professional.

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